FROM GOMDE UK CONSERVATION CONFERENCE October 09th, 2016 CONSERVATION CONFERENCE: Creating Places for Good: Bridging Science, Spirituality and Environment
FROM GOMDE UK Land consecration for a new temple at Gomde Lindholme, UK June 25th, 2016 Chokyi Nyima Rinpoche's seminar at Gomde Lindholme just ended and some very exciting events took place. Permission for building a temple is about to be granted, the last obstacle has dissolved.
FROM GOMDE UK Chokyi Nyima Rinpoche at Gomde Lindholme, UK June 21st, 2016 Today, on the full moon day of the auspicious month of Saga Dawa, Chokyi Nyima Rinpoche presided over a Ngakso Puja at Gomde Lindolme, UK.
FROM GOMDE RUSSIA Chokyi Nyima Rinpoche at Gomde Russia – Ukraine June 18th, 2016 The seminar in Russia went very well, many people took refuge on the last day. Later that day over 77 000 fish were released at a lake for the benefit and health of everybody. A special puja was held and everybody was joyous and rejoiced in those beneficial deeds.
FROM GOMDE GERMANY - AUSTRIA Frühlingsfest May 11th, 2016 Das Frühlingsfest war wunderschön! Wir danken allen Gästen herzlich fürs Kommen, Kennenlernen und Genießen. Der Weisheitsgarten hatte seine Prämiere als Festort und wurde sofort genützt.
FROM GOMDE DENMARK Newsletter – May 2016 May 09th, 2016 Summer is slowly approaching and we are looking forward to receiving visits by two eminent teachers: Chökyi Nyima Rinpoche at the end of June, and Tsikey Chokling Rinpoche in September.
FROM GOMDE CALIFORNIA Spring Newsletter May 04th, 2016 In this newsletter: 2016 Program Schedule. May 20-24: Annual Work Week at Gomde CA. Development Update. Building on the Land: Progress Report. New Management Structure.
FROM GOMDE CALIFORNIA New Management Structure at Gomde California April 28th, 2016 There are three (3) overall management areas with existing subareas nesting under the direction of one person or director. The three directors will work as a team in managing Gomde’s operations, programs, and long-term development in a cohesive manner.
FROM GOMDE UK Gomde UK – A wonderful season ahead April 10th, 2016 As the British Summer Time moves us into spring, here at Gomde we got drenched by an amazing hailstorm followed by sunshine and a double rainbow- as Lama Oser would say “Great beautiness!”
FROM GOMDE GERMANY - AUSTRIA Gomde GA Spring Newsletter 2016 April 10th, 2016 We are more than happy to offer you this list of excellent programs lined up for spring and summer at Gomde.
FROM GOMDE DENMARK Gomde Dk Newsletter April 2016 April 02nd, 2016 The spring sun has broken through the clouds and Gomde lies bathed in sunshine and early flowers. The first months of the year have been rich in possibilities for receiving teachings and doing practice together.
FROM GOMDE UK Gomde UK Newsletter March – 2016 March 18th, 2016 In this Newsletter: 1.) Chokyi Nyima Rinpoche: Annual seminar registration now open 2.) Arts and Crafts at Gomde: New exhibition 3.) The Gomde Community