
The Gomde Mandala relies on the generosity of its friends and sangha members from all over the world for expertise and assistance across a range of operations.

To the extent that you enjoy attending the teachings or participating in various retreats, please consider how you might be able to contribute your knowledge, expertise, and/or financial support to our numerous efforts. It is through our sangha that we continue to flourish. We have numerous volunteer opportunities on both local or virtual levels.

Contribute your skills, time, and love:

If you’re curious about how you can contribute your skills, time, and love toward the Dharma activities of our Gomde centers, here is a list of contacts at the various meditation and study centers in need of your assistance:

Gomde California

Gomde Denmark

Gomde Germany – Austria

Gomde Pyrenees

Gomde Russia

Gomde Scotland

Gomde UK

Gomde Ukraine

Ka-Nying Ling Dharma Society Kuala Lumpur

Contribute your financial support:

For the benefit of all sentient beings…

If you would like to make a contribution of any amount, please choose among the options listed at the links below. We are deeply grateful for your donations – they empower us to bring you, and others, more opportunities to study and practice the Dharma. With heartfelt appreciation, thank you.

Gomde California

Gomde Denmark (English)

Gomde Denmark (Danish)

Gomde Germany – Austria

Gomde Pyrenees

Gomde Russia

Gomde Scotland

Gomde UK

Gomde Ukraine

Ka-Nying Ling Dharma Society Kuala Lumpur

In addition to the international Gomdes, the Shedrub Mandala also has several Dharma Houses which serve sangha members located in metropolitan areas. You can contribute to the virtuous dharma activities of these centers, by donating at the following links.

Dharma House Mexico City:

Dharma House New York City:

Dharma House Amsterdam: