Chokyi Nyima Rinpoche’s visit in France & Spain
During the summer seminar in Gomde France about 108 participants who came from all over the world received profound teachings from Rinpoche.
Rinpoche taught the pith instruction text, the Sphere of Refined Gold, with the vision that his students from all over the world can come to the center in France to do retreats on these practices. In addition, Rinpoche also gave the inner Tara empowerment so that the participants of the Tara’s Triple Excellence program can continue training on their path with the inner Tara sadhana. With this in mind, Gomde France will also hold the first inner Tara sadhana retreat in the beginning of September. Everybody was deeply moved by the direct and profound teachings that Rinpoche gave and enchanted by the softness and beauty of this place.
After the seminar at Gomde France, Rinpoche gave a public talk at Tibet House Barcelona, which was attended by many.
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